Luke now weighs 11 lbs and is 22 inches long. Everyone can not believe the amount of hair he has. I try to give him a
foe hawk, he is already going to need his first hair cut and he is only 8 weeks. Luke has been so much fun, I go back to work next Monday and am so sad to leave my son. All I can hope is that he will be sleeping through the night very soon or he will have one grouchy mom.

What a cutie! I can't believe how much he has changed! We need to get together before you head off to work. Kel and I were talking today and want to plan something soon, just come by and visit! Let me know if your up to it. I will call you!
You are a super MOM! Rock on!
Oh my goodness! He is so handsome! I hope going back to work is okay. Good luck!
I can't get over how cute Luke is!
Super cute! I hope you get some good sleep soon.
So beautiful! So adorable! He is absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to meet the stud in person.
Time is flying by! Good luck going back to work!
How was your first day back? :o( I bet it was hard! Love, you. I will testify Luke is an adorable darling baby boy! Lucky boy, lucky mom and dad!!!
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